Ampco is dedicated to assisting brewers to accomplish production challenges to meet the double-digit growth of today’s Craft Brewing industry. Through the years, pump technology has evolved but perhaps not as rapidly as during the last decade as a result of Ampco’s dedicated R&D initiative. Product offerings continue to be finessed (and created) to best meet the needs of the craft brewing market.

CB+ Craft Brew Pump is Engineered for Craft Brewery Efficiency
Ampco’s CB+ Craft Brew Pump was developed specifically for the craft brewing industry to allow brewers to focus on creating their next signature beer rather than deal with leaking pumps. The CB+ features an internal seal design for pumping hot wort that reduces product build-up on seal faces at high temperatures and makes leaking pumps a thing of the past.
The ROLEC DH Provides Safe, Efficient Hop Induction
The ROLEC DH was developed with the needs of the craft brewer in mind. The ROLEC DH45, ROLEC DH90, and ROLEC DH250 models offer small to large-scale breweries a safe and efficient way to dry hop and creatively induce flavors into beer products. The Ampco Applied Products SBI pump recirculates the fermenter while inducing dry hops and any other signature media desired directly into the stream of beer; all from an oxygen-free environment.

ROLEC DH90 Success Story - Lakefront Brewery

Rolec DH45
Specifications - Pellet capacity 20kg, Recirculation 2.4 hectolitres per minute, Uses an Ampco Applied Products SBI-R10 shear blender pump, Port size DIN 40.
Rolec DH90
Specifications - Pellet capacity 40kg, Recirculation 3.4 hectolitres per minute, Uses an Ampco Applied Products SBI-R10 shear blender pump, Port size DIN 40.
Rolec DH250
Specifications - Pellet capacity 120kg, Recirculation 4.3 hectolitres per minute, Uses an Ampco Applied Products SBI-R20 shear blender pump, Port size DIN 50.

Chops hop pellets while simultaneously recirculating the fermenter. Small batch brewers can enjoy decreased tank time, improved flavor profile, and increased shelf life without the cost of a full dry hopping system.
Ampco Pumps Cellar Cart
Most commonly used as a transfer pump or portable CIP pump. It’s a lightweight workhorse designed to provide users with maximum mobility in cramped cellars.
CB+ Craft Brew Pump
Designed to minimize seal problems pumping hot wort by using an internal seal submersed in product to promote cooling, increased pump pressure during operation creates more closing force on seal faces to minimize product build-up. An internal spring agitates wort solids to avoid pooling on seal faces.