Craft beer in the UK: a walk into the breweries across the isles

The United Kingdom is a land steeped in brewing tradition, known worldwide for its classic beer styles like the bitter, porter, and stout.

But in recent years, there has been a craft beer revolution sweeping across the nation.

In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey through the craft beer scene in the UK and uncover how the breweries in the country are contributing to this vibrant movement.

The Craft Beer Culture in the UK

The craft beer movement in the UK is, in many ways, a response to the homogenization of beer produced by large-scale breweries.

Craft brewers emphasize quality, flavor, and innovation, often brewing in smaller batches and experimenting with unique ingredients. These artisans are passionate about their craft and have garnered a dedicated following of beer enthusiasts.

Craft Beer Festivals and Events

The UK hosts a plethora of beer festivals and events throughout the year. These gatherings celebrate the craft beer culture and offer a chance to sample a wide range of brews from different breweries.

Some of the notable festivals include:

The Craft Beer Experience in the UK

Craft breweries in the UK often offer more than just great beer. They create welcoming spaces where beer lovers can gather, enjoy live music, and savor delicious food pairings.

Taprooms and brewery tours provide opportunities to engage with the brewing process and the people behind the beer.

Craft Breweries in the UK

As of Statista’s latest research on the UK’s Beer industry:

  • The country’s Beer industry turnover is 7.5 billion GBP.
  • There are over 2,426 breweries across the UK.
  • The number of enterprises manufacturing beer in the UK is 1,385.

The UK is home to a thriving craft beer scene with breweries scattered across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

To provide some context, here’s a snapshot of the UK’s craft beer landscape:


England leads the way with the highest number of craft breweries. London, in particular, has become a craft beer hub, with numerous breweries and taprooms.

Other cities, such as Manchester, Bristol, and Birmingham, have also witnessed a surge in craft beer activity.


Scotland boasts a thriving craft beer scene, known for its innovation and quality. Breweries in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen have been at the forefront of this movement, producing a diverse range of styles from traditional Scotch ales to experimental IPAs.


Welsh craft breweries are making a mark with their commitment to quality and unique flavors. Locations like Cardiff and Swansea have seen a surge in craft beer establishments.

Northern Ireland

The craft beer scene in Northern Ireland has been gaining momentum, with Belfast emerging as a craft beer destination. Brewers here experiment with traditional Irish styles and new trends.

Craft Beer in the UK: Diversity in Brewing Styles

One of the remarkable aspects of the UK’s craft beer scene is the diversity in brewing styles. Craft brewers in the UK have embraced a wide range of beer styles, such as the following:


India Pale Ales have become a staple of the craft beer scene. English-style IPAs, known for their balance between malt and hops, are brewed alongside the bolder American-style IPAs that showcase hoppy flavors and aromas.

Stouts and Porters

The UK has a long history of brewing dark beers, and craft brewers continue to produce exceptional stouts and porters. These beers often feature complex roasted flavors and creamy textures.


Sour beers, once considered niche, have gained popularity. Many craft breweries experiment with wild yeast and bacteria to create tart and funky brews.

Experimental Beers

Craft brewers in the UK are known for their innovation. You’ll find breweries experimenting with unique ingredients like fruits, spices, and even tea to create distinctive flavors.

The evolution of craft beer in the UK has transformed the brewing landscape, providing beer enthusiasts with an exciting array of flavors and styles to explore.

From traditional cask ales to innovative experimental brews, there’s something for everyone in the world of UK craft beer.

Explore the UK Brewery Market with The Beer Post

Ready to tap into the thriving world of breweries and connect with industry decision-makers in the UK?

At The Beer Post, we’ve got your back!

We’ll help you unlock exciting opportunities through our extensive network and insights into the UK’s vibrant beer scene. Whether you’re looking to collaborate, distribute, or simply learn more about the country’s beer market, we’re here to assist.

Shoot us an email at [email protected] and let’s discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your business goals.

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