Export development program hosts Chinese media at American craft beer tasting event

On November 27, 2020, the Brewers Association Export Development Program hosted an American Craft Beer media night at Commune Reserve in Shanghai. With more than 20 journalists and key opinion leaders in attendance, American Craft Beer Ambassador Yandong Lu presented a seminar and guided tasting on American craft beer.

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Set your brewery up with a social media plan for a successful summer

Creating a buzz for your brewery in 2021 requires great beer, a great atmosphere, and a presence online so people know about it. If you want to increase the presence of your craft brewery this summer, it’s a good idea to start planning now, because summer will be here in no time. Creating and managing an effective social media strategy can help your brewery reach more customer and boost sales in your taproom.

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Bespoke shuttles can help breweries bounce back in NYC

In the wake of the pandemic, small businesses across almost every sector have had to scale back operations, either directly or indirectly because of the pandemic, its social distancing restrictions and the subsequent downturn in the economy. This includes craft beer breweries, but with 2021 seeming like things are finally turning a corner with the pandemic, how do you know which investments for your brewery are the correct choices going forward?

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The Great American Beer Festival competition for 2021 will go ahead

The most famous craft beer festival in the United States has had its in-person tasting event postponed for a second consecutive year until 2022 due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Brewers Association (BA). That being said, the competition that runs alongside the festival will be going ahead as planned this year, with the in-person event returning next year for its 40th anniversary.

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5 improvements to your bar’s website to attract more customers

Like almost every other business in the marketplace now, a bar’s website has become a vital information tool for your customers. Having an idea of the kind of content your customers are looking for and what changes you need to make is vital for your audience, especially new patrons who haven’t visited your bar before.

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