The 20 best Christmas beers, and the perfect occasion for each

Whether you’re celebrating with loved ones or trying to get yourself through a blue Christmas, you’ve probably got a reason to drink during the holidays. But it can’t always be eggnog or that fancy bottle of Scotch you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Sometimes – dare we say oftentimes – the situation calls for a beer.

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Find a US brewery

One of the great things about the independent beer scene is the variety of craft beer options you can enjoy. Whether it’s a brewpub down the street, a microbrewery that’s getting a lot of buzz, or a nano brewery that just opened, there is always a new craft brewery to try, and we want to make finding those places easy. We’ve given you the option to search by state, click on the “breweries near me” button or search for a brewery or brewpub by name, city or state.

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