Sipping through time: America’s oldest tavern, The White Horse

Step into a time machine disguised as a cozy tavern, where the walls whisper stories from centuries past, and the clinking of glasses echoes through history. Tucked away in the charming streets of Newport, Rhode Island, The White Horse Tavern stands proud as one of the oldest watering holes in the United States. Join us on a spirited journey through time as we explore the delightful tales and vintage charm of this colonial gem…

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Exploring the top 10 craft breweries in New York City

New York City’s craft beer scene has experienced a remarkable resurgence in recent years, with a thriving community of innovative breweries pushing the boundaries of flavor and creativity. In this article, we will delve into the top 10 craft breweries in New York City, each offering a unique range of high-quality brews and contributing to the city’s vibrant beer culture.

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20 cost-saving strategies to help craft breweries survive inflation

As the craft brewing industry continues to experience exponential growth, many craft breweries are starting to feel the effects of inflation. With the cost of ingredients and labor on the rise, craft breweries are looking for new and innovative ways to save money and stay afloat in these turbulent economic times. This article will provide 20 cost-saving strategies that craft breweries can employ to help them survive inflation in 2023. Each of these strategies has proven to be effective in helping craft breweries cut costs, increase efficiency, and remain profitable.

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Craft beer has a recycling problem: Cans are not being recycled and shrink wraps are a big part of it

For Colorado, Recycling Day was far from a cause for celebration – the state’s aluminum can recycling rate is dismal. According to experts, only 16% of cans are recycled in Colorado, the birthplace of canned craft beer. That number is even lower than the national average, which is only about 50%. Clearly, there is a need for improvement.

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Urban South Brewery celebrates 3 years in Houston

To commemorate its anniversary, Urban South has teamed up with several of its favorite craft breweries nationwide to launch eight new beers for fans to savor. These breweries include Baa Baa Brewhouse, Great Notion, Martin House Brewing, Mortalis Brewing, RAR Brewing, Tripping Animals, Unbranded Brewing, and Weldwerks Brewing.

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Find a US brewery

One of the great things about the independent beer scene is the variety of craft beer options you can enjoy. Whether it’s a brewpub down the street, a microbrewery that’s getting a lot of buzz, or a nano brewery that just opened, there is always a new craft brewery to try, and we want to make finding those places easy. We’ve given you the option to search by state, click on the “breweries near me” button or search for a brewery or brewpub by name, city or state.

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