Brewers, beer importers and beer distributors are proud to serve America

America’s beer industry supports more than two million jobs, provides more than $102 billion in wages and benefits, and contributes more than $331 billion to the U.S. economy. Today our nation’s brewers, beer importers and independent beer distributors not only provide Americans with their favorite alcoholic beverage, but they continue to be a cornerstone to America’s economy. The Beer Serves America report is a comprehensive study of the number of American jobs the beer industry supports, from farmers and brewers and beer importers to beer distributors and servers at your favorite bars and restaurants.

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Beer-infused pizza dough is a perfect brewpub pairing

Pizza and beer – they are perfect together. While no one would deny the inherently complementary nature of the two fermented wonders, some brewpubs are taking the pairing a step further. They are adding pours of their prized craft beers to the pizza dough they serve in-house.

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Alcohol retailers plan to stock more craft beer in 2022

Alcohol e-commerce and on-demand delivery platform Drizly released its third annual BevAlc Insights by Drizly Retail Report, culled from a nationwide survey of over 500 alcohol retailers during November 2021, and it looks like craft beer is poised to reclaim shelf space from hard seltzer in 2022.

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Best cities in the US for craft beers and brews

“Craft beer” is just that – it’s a “craft.” And creating craft beer is like any other form of art, mixed with science. Certain cities in the U.S. just seem to have a bit of extra creativity when it comes to brewing fantastic beers (maybe creativity, science, and beer drinking go hand in hand?). From Southern California to Central New York and everywhere imaginable in-between, here’s a line-up of some of America’s Best Brewtowns to plan a happy (and hoppy) vacation getaway.

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‘Back to normal’: Local brands trending in the Indian alcohol sector but mid-range drinks feeling the squeeze

Locally-produced wines, beers and spirits are currently on the up-and-up in India’s alcohol industry, with millennial consumers, in particular, preferring these over international brands – but drinks not in the premium or low price categories continue to face a slump that is not expected to pick up any time soon.

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Forgotten fermentation: Uncovering Mexico’s traditional beverages

Could Mexico’s traditional fermented beverages offer inspiration for healthy beverages today? Researchers are calling for the recovery and conservation of ancient fermented drinks, which could offer an ‘outstanding reservoir’ of genetic resources such as plants, yeast and bacteria.

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