
At DraughtPick, the goal is to connect craft beer lovers to great beers. Using their specific tastes and preferences, DraughtPick provides users with updated beer and brewery recommendations within their specified location. Users can rate their favorite beers and “Wishlist” the beers they want to enjoy in the future. To share the experience, DraughtPick has added a “Friends” area, allowing users to add friends, see their favorite beers, and receive notifications when they check into a brewery. DraughtPick has created a unique and personalized experience to connect individuals to their favorite beers and breweries, fostering the sharing of these experiences within their network of friends…

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Germany’s craft beer revolution: a look at the craft breweries across the country

Germany is a country renowned for its beer culture and rich brewing heritage. With a history dating back centuries, it’s no surprise that Germany has had a profound influence on the global beer scene. In this blog post, we’ll take a friendly and informative journey through the country’s beer culture. Let’s explore the German craft beer industry’s history, iconic beer styles, and the exciting resurgence of craft breweries across the country…

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Pandemic helped shape UK craft beer sector for future growth: ‘A decade’s worth of change happened in the space of barely 18 months’

Independent craft brewers in the UK dramatically expanded their routes to market through online webshops, taprooms and independent off-trade during the pandemic: all likely to become a ‘permanent additional string to independent brewers’ bows’.

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Alternative energy options for the craft brewery

Brewers have long been at the forefront of environmental causes and sustainable initiatives. From recycling to energy-efficient equipment, craft breweries have long worked to leave a minimal footprint in a very resource-heavy industry. The recent shock on fuel prices and rising energy costs along with an aging power grid in many states has caused breweries of all sizes to think about alternative energy sources or bringing equipment in-house to keep the lights on and taps flowing.

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What are Mahou San Miguel and Eatable Adventures looking for in the ‘drink of the future’?

Spanish beverage company Mahou San Miguel is launching an open innovation platform alongside food tech accelerator Eatable Adventures as it searches for the ‘drink of the future’. Food Navigator learns more about the challenges and opportunities in beverage innovation.

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