10 ways to foster sustainability in your craft brewery

As the craft beer industry continues to grow, it’s essential for breweries to prioritize sustainability. Adopting eco-friendly practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances your brand reputation and can lead to long-term cost savings. In this article, we will explore ten practical ways in which craft breweries can become more sustainable.

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Craft beer has a recycling problem: Cans are not being recycled and shrink wraps are a big part of it

For Colorado, Recycling Day was far from a cause for celebration – the state’s aluminum can recycling rate is dismal. According to experts, only 16% of cans are recycled in Colorado, the birthplace of canned craft beer. That number is even lower than the national average, which is only about 50%. Clearly, there is a need for improvement.

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Alternative energy options for the craft brewery

Brewers have long been at the forefront of environmental causes and sustainable initiatives. From recycling to energy-efficient equipment, craft breweries have long worked to leave a minimal footprint in a very resource-heavy industry. The recent shock on fuel prices and rising energy costs along with an aging power grid in many states has caused breweries of all sizes to think about alternative energy sources or bringing equipment in-house to keep the lights on and taps flowing.

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