Craft beer extravaganza: unveiling the magic of the Great American Beer Festival

Craft beer enthusiasts, rejoice! The ultimate celebration of hops, malt, and yeast is upon us, and it’s none other than the Great American Beer Festival (GABF). Picture this: Denver, Colorado, transformed into a beer lover’s paradise, where the air is filled with the aromatic symphony of countless craft brews. If you’re passionate about beer and looking for the grandest beer event on the planet, the GABF is your mecca…

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Sipping through time: America’s oldest tavern, The White Horse

Step into a time machine disguised as a cozy tavern, where the walls whisper stories from centuries past, and the clinking of glasses echoes through history. Tucked away in the charming streets of Newport, Rhode Island, The White Horse Tavern stands proud as one of the oldest watering holes in the United States. Join us on a spirited journey through time as we explore the delightful tales and vintage charm of this colonial gem…

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Pinter launches in the USA

Pinter, the acclaimed U.K.-based fresh brewing pioneer, is making its debut in the U.S., introducing its groundbreaking home brewing technology. Recognized by TIME magazine as the “Invention of the Year,” Pinter’s all-in-one brewing machine revolutionizes the beer-making process, seamlessly combining fermentation, conditioning, and tapping. This innovation enables users to craft 12 pints of fresh beer in just 7 days. The Pinters are now available for purchase, starting at $199, on,, and select Ace Hardware stores across the nation…

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Exploring the craft beer boom: how many craft breweries are there in the United States?

If you’re a beer enthusiast, you’ve likely noticed a delightful transformation in the American beer scene over the past few decades. Craft breweries have been popping up like mushrooms after recent rain, and they’ve brought with them an explosion of creativity, flavor, and diversity to the world of beer. In this blog, we’re going to take a deep dive into the world of craft breweries in the United States, exploring their history, growth, and what makes them so special…

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Some of the ways a US craft brewery can reduce its tax bill

The craft brewing industry in the United States has experienced exponential growth over the past few decades, with a vibrant community of small and independent breweries producing innovative and high-quality beers. However, like any business, craft breweries face the challenge of managing their finances, including tax liabilities. Finding ways to reduce the tax burden can significantly impact a brewery’s bottom line and contribute to its overall financial health. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies that US craft breweries can employ to lower their tax bills while staying compliant with tax regulations…

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What countries have the fastest-growing craft beer sectors?

Craft beer has taken the global beverage industry by storm in recent years, offering a diverse and flavorful alternative to traditional mass-produced beers. Characterized by its artisanal production methods, innovative flavors, and emphasis on quality over quantity, the craft beer movement has gained a dedicated following worldwide. While the craft beer trend initially gained prominence in the United States, its influence has spread far beyond American borders. This article explores the countries that are currently experiencing the fastest-growing craft beer sectors, showcasing the international scope of this flavorful revolution…

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Around the world in 80 beers: a globetrotting journey of flavor

Embarking on a journey around the world usually involves maps, passports, and suitcases. But what if we told you that you could explore the diverse cultures, landscapes, and tastes of different countries without even leaving your barstool? Welcome to “Around the World in 80 Beers,” a globetrotting adventure that takes you on an expedition of flavor and tradition through the world of beer…

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