The rising craft beer scene in the Philippines

The Philippines, known for its vibrant culinary culture and diverse flavors, has witnessed a remarkable rise in the popularity of craft beer. Over the past decade, a growing number of local breweries have emerged, offering unique and innovative brews that cater to the evolving tastes of Filipino beer enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the factors contributing to the rise of craft beer in the Philippines and celebrate the breweries at the forefront of this exciting movement.

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Craft beer on the rise in Mexico

Mexico is a beer-loving country, but it was relatively late to the craft beer scene, until now. Cerveza Mexico 2022 recently wrapped up in Mexico City. The three-day celebration of craft beer which drew over 16,000 attendees to the World Trade Center in late October culminated with the announcement of the winners of the Cerveza Cup 2022, a prize which recognizes the best in Mexican craft beer.

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Pandemic helped shape UK craft beer sector for future growth: ‘A decade’s worth of change happened in the space of barely 18 months’

Independent craft brewers in the UK dramatically expanded their routes to market through online webshops, taprooms and independent off-trade during the pandemic: all likely to become a ‘permanent additional string to independent brewers’ bows’.

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Is there an opportunity for low and no alcohol in the economy space?

Premiumization has been key in the low and no alcohol category to date. With the cost-of-living crisis, does this open up opportunities for the low and no-alcohol category to develop products in the economy space?

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Top 10 countries that drink the most beer

Beer is a truly international beverage, with lagers, stouts, and ales consumed throughout the world. But which countries drink the most of it? The data, from Kirin Holdings (which oversees Kirin Brewery Company), was published in January of this year and shows the estimated country-by-country beer consumption levels for 2020.

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