
At DraughtPick, the goal is to connect craft beer lovers to great beers. Using their specific tastes and preferences, DraughtPick provides users with updated beer and brewery recommendations within their specified location. Users can rate their favorite beers and “Wishlist” the beers they want to enjoy in the future. To share the experience, DraughtPick has added a “Friends” area, allowing users to add friends, see their favorite beers, and receive notifications when they check into a brewery. DraughtPick has created a unique and personalized experience to connect individuals to their favorite beers and breweries, fostering the sharing of these experiences within their network of friends…

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Trouble brewing: Australian brewers struggle in ‘craft beer recession’

Australian craft breweries are facing financial challenges, with several entering administration due to a combination of factors, including pandemic-related debts, excise tax, and rising costs. The economic downturn, coupled with increased production costs and higher interest rates, has left many small and mid-sized breweries struggling to stay afloat. The Independent Brewers Association reports that 91% of its surveyed members have been severely affected by the current economic climate, with 66% expressing doubt about their businesses surviving the downturn…

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Germany’s craft beer revolution: a look at the craft breweries across the country

Germany is a country renowned for its beer culture and rich brewing heritage. With a history dating back centuries, it’s no surprise that Germany has had a profound influence on the global beer scene. In this blog post, we’ll take a friendly and informative journey through the country’s beer culture. Let’s explore the German craft beer industry’s history, iconic beer styles, and the exciting resurgence of craft breweries across the country…

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Exploring the craft beer boom: how many craft breweries are there in the United States?

If you’re a beer enthusiast, you’ve likely noticed a delightful transformation in the American beer scene over the past few decades. Craft breweries have been popping up like mushrooms after recent rain, and they’ve brought with them an explosion of creativity, flavor, and diversity to the world of beer. In this blog, we’re going to take a deep dive into the world of craft breweries in the United States, exploring their history, growth, and what makes them so special…

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Craft beer in the UK: a walk into the breweries across the isles

The United Kingdom is a land steeped in brewing tradition, known worldwide for its classic beer styles like the bitter, porter, and stout. But in recent years, there has been a craft beer revolution sweeping across the nation. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey through the craft beer scene in the UK and uncover how the breweries in the country are contributing to this vibrant movement…

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Brewers have a ‘once in a generation opportunity’ to meet shifting demands for sustainability

A report from food and drink manufacturing consultancy NIRAS has flagged the opportunity for brewers to set new industry standards, as sustainability moves from ‘nice to have’ to ‘must have’…

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Navigating compliance and regulations in the beer industry supply chain

The beer industry is a complex and dynamic landscape, with a diverse range of stakeholders involved in the supply chain. From brewers and distributors to retailers and consumers, every step in the process is subject to a multitude of compliance and regulations that ensure the safety, quality, and legality of the products. Navigating these intricacies is crucial for businesses to maintain operational excellence and meet the expectations of regulators and consumers alike…

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Exploring the biggest opportunities for craft brewers in 2023

In recent years, the craft brewing industry has experienced exponential growth and innovation. As we step into 2023, this trend continues to evolve, presenting craft brewers with a myriad of exciting opportunities to expand their horizons and captivate the ever-evolving palates of beer enthusiasts. From sustainability to unique flavors, here are some of the biggest opportunities that craft brewers can seize in 2023…

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